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Thursday, August 1, 2013

To have privacy or not to have privacy

To Have Privacy Or Not To

Update: Oct. 14 2013

The more we learn about the severity of the far reaching NSA probe the scarier it gets. What in the hell is going on here! We are literally having arguments on whether its good or bad to spy on Americans. How can this be determined and what happens to our constitutional rights in the process. Every American should be very concerned about this issue no matter who you are. I get very concerned when abuse can occur due to irresponsible employees of these agencies that could open up a Pandora Box full of problems.

Speaking of abuse... What happens when things start to look a a lot like Enemy Of The State starring: Will Smith

Take a look

Here is the full link be honest people. We never had privacy. We have always been monitored. Look at our history books and you find that these programs have been going on for along time. Now you might say.... How is this all possible? Easy my friend! All they have to do is consider you a threat to national security or simple abuse the powers that they have to monitor you. It is definitely possible and it has been going on for quite a while. I mean,.... since Hoover. You know that guy right! Lately there has been such an uproar about the NSA and the access to U.S. citizens private records.

Do you feel like you should have the right to privacy?

Do you feel offended by Snowden being a whistle-blower?

Is Snowden a hero?

True privacy has always been a controversial issue and will continue to be in the future.
Hopefully we will still have some rights in tact. lol!

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