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Tuesday, August 20, 2013

In the year 2525

In the year 2525 will our world look anything like it does now? These guys are sounding pretty accurate in this song. Oh yeah... special thanks to Zager and Evans for the nice tunes. With the advancement in genome detection and cracking of the DNA code things have already started to take off. If you were able to know that your child would be born with defects that could hinder his/her quality of living what would you do? 

Would you clone yourself for the fun of it?

Would people act ethical with these advancements in science and technology or head down the old Dr. Frankenstein road? 

Will these advancements eventually cause our on demise?

I hope traveling gets a lot easier. I am willing to dedicate my own time and money to improving that. 
No more tires please! Stop it! enough already. Hey.... can you blame me. I just want instant gratification. 
And besides every guy wants to play the James Bond, Tony Stark, Bruce Wayne role every once in a while.
We have seen fast now lets see hover or flight like George Jetson.

Will you soon be able to watch your lost episodes of breaking bad on Hologram TV.... Holy exploding Meth Labs Batman!

Okay Okay!!! Back to the topic. Will we be able to travel like Dr. Who? I wonder.... That would be too cool. Will we end world hunger or start deleting the masses? Ethics! Will those in power seek to be God like or take on a more equivalent humanistic approach? These are serious questions that need to be answered.  

Will women decide to breed on their own? Yikes! don't wanna think about that one. Will people really end up becoming enemies of the state a la Will Smith? I know the answer. Hey guys! Its just fun and games. That was for my NSA buddies. Gotta make'm feel at home. Okay they are at home. In your home. lol!!! Jokes Jokes I'm insane. Okay! shall we proceed. 

Governments do need to maintain control to keep things civil but to what extent.

Will people began to compromise more and more of their rights and privileges for miscellaneous insecurities or the boogie man. 

Will elections still be the way to get things done in the future?

Will life expectancy increase and people just start hanging around like they have discovered the fountain of youth? I'm talking 150-180 years old hell... 200+. I mean grandpa and grandma still hanging at the club getting tatted up. Smh! 

Will languages become obsolete? Okay it already is. I will just translate you. Okay there you have it. Universal language.

And for  all my ET fans out there. You really might wanna tone down the alien talk. See here is the thing... We might end up getting visited by something and we really might not like what we see. We might not even get a chance to see it. That quick. Yeah..... that quick.....Just relax and enjoy your time with all the crazy animals out there including us. Lol!

Will our world look more like this?


Wednesday, August 7, 2013

The Wizard Of OZ Or Not


The great and powerful wizard

We are off to see the wizard. The wonderful wizard. Really!

This is one of my favorite examples to use when motivating people to shoot for the stars. There is always a little guy pulling the strings hiding behind a big fake voice and a bunch of absent minded followers. My advice is simple. Stop following. You already have a heart. You already have the courage and the brains. That is what's going on in this country. Couple that with a bunch of wicked witches spoiling the hopes and dreams of many. But, remember there is no place like home. Take pride in your home. Don't get disappointed by what you find behind the curtain. It seems that we are all looking for some magical conjure or some kind of miracle. We feel that we need some sort of validation from someone or something. The truth is that the magic lye's within you. It is just waiting to come out.Ordinary people are extraordinary people with a great amount of determination. The wicked witches will try to take you off of the yellow brick road. But, you will not be deterred. You have everything that you need inside of you and it's been there ever since you were born. By understanding this and thinking in a positive manner you can achieve amazing things. When you are being tested to see if you have what it takes remember this little passage and say I think I can. Oops! That's the little engine that could. I meant, "there's no place like home". And don't forget to click your heels together three times. 

Thursday, August 1, 2013

To have privacy or not to have privacy

To Have Privacy Or Not To

Update: Oct. 14 2013

The more we learn about the severity of the far reaching NSA probe the scarier it gets. What in the hell is going on here! We are literally having arguments on whether its good or bad to spy on Americans. How can this be determined and what happens to our constitutional rights in the process. Every American should be very concerned about this issue no matter who you are. I get very concerned when abuse can occur due to irresponsible employees of these agencies that could open up a Pandora Box full of problems.

Speaking of abuse... What happens when things start to look a a lot like Enemy Of The State starring: Will Smith

Take a look

Here is the full link be honest people. We never had privacy. We have always been monitored. Look at our history books and you find that these programs have been going on for along time. Now you might say.... How is this all possible? Easy my friend! All they have to do is consider you a threat to national security or simple abuse the powers that they have to monitor you. It is definitely possible and it has been going on for quite a while. I mean,.... since Hoover. You know that guy right! Lately there has been such an uproar about the NSA and the access to U.S. citizens private records.

Do you feel like you should have the right to privacy?

Do you feel offended by Snowden being a whistle-blower?

Is Snowden a hero?

True privacy has always been a controversial issue and will continue to be in the future.
Hopefully we will still have some rights in tact. lol!