Why are we settling for mediocrity?
We need to push much harder than our forefathers and their forefathers. Stop the oppression of ideas and start with the creativity and innovation that made this country a model for others. Let's get away from the negativity and hate that has crippled and toppled regimes before us.
We need to focus on the greatness and not the doom and gloom. This is not just a pep talk, it is necessary for the survival of the human family. Notice that race was not included nor was it necessary. Stop riding on tires and let's start hovering over the ground, besides its 2013.
What are great men/women made of ? Answer: Strength, determination, inspiration, and guts.
Stop letting these crappy jobs keep you in a rut people. Start making moves that count for something. Start redefining things for the better. Become job creators! people need places to work and this is a great place to began making an impact. Stop being sheep and become bold innovative leaders. Stop holding yourself and others down. If you can't be a leader at least be a good follower.
Why is our infrastructure in our U.S. cities starting to fall apart. Have we stopped focusing on quality? Why are cities becoming run down? This should not be happening in a great country like ours. We need to get off our butts and do something about it!